Seeta Patel Interviewed by Isaac Ouro-Gnao for The Stage

October 2023

Seeta Patel on her unique The Rite of Spring: ‘This is not something a contemporary dancer could mimic’.

As her company hits the road with its first full-scale tour after gaining national portfolio status last year, dancer and choreographer Seeta Patel tells Isaac Ouro-Gnao about realising her quest to stage The Rite of Spring with a rare Bharatanatyam ensemble.

“I don’t ever think I’m doing something so unique in the sense that I’m changing the form,” she says. “I just really enjoy watching the power of the form in this collective way. I want people to see what we’ve done. I’m proud of myself and everyone involved, of what we’ve done with Bharatanatyam and how we’ve staged it. I get a lot of joy out of watching it, even though I’ve seen it a million times.”

Read the full article here: